I spent 2 hours reading an argument between a black teenager and a white grown man on Instagram, a grown man! This man said there was nothing like oppression against black people and black people just love feeling oppressed. The teen explained in detail so well, I also got to learn a few, I was deeply surprised, and I wouldn’t have known she was a teenager if the white guy didn’t point it out in an oppressing manner as if she was not worthy to explain to him because she was young.
He kept saying black people should stop playing victim and move on from slavery and colonialism because we benefitted from it! This guy used such a tone that was very insulting, throwing cuss words on a young girl who was very educated on the whole issue unlike him. His ignorance was glaring, it was then I knew there are white people who don’t deem themselves racists but hate the fact that black people are starting to speak up more than usual.
He also made mention that “black people carry white people in their heads rent free.” That exact thought is what runs in the mind of a white supremacist — They love to feel honored. This man completely ignored what the girl explained about oppression and kept saying he had worked so hard all his life which is why he was able to be a top salary earner, as if anybody asked about that. He called the girl a liar about her racist experience and told her it was all in her head when it was quite obvious it wasn’t since I’ve had similar experiences, so as my black brothers and sisters.
He talked about black women hating their hair and wearing Caucasian hair to look white as if that were true. The girl explained how it wasn’t Caucasian wigs but Asian wigs and he went on to say we are trying to live up to White beauty standards when in reality we’re just protecting our natural hair inside the wigs.
Many white people are ignorant. They just don’t want to listen, and it’s getting worse because black people are starting to speak! They don’t want to hear the word “white” from black people, simply because it’s irritating to them. They don’t deem themselves racist, they just want black people to stfu about the whole race issue.